No matter what your relationship is with your young adult child, conversations about complicated or sensitive topics are wild cards. The relationship I enjoy with my 19-year-old is blessedly close, and we talk daily about all manner of subjects. We see eye-to-eye on most of life's "big issues," but we also give each other the space for different perspectives and learn from each other constantly. (Well, at least I know I learn from her; I would leave it to her to comment on how much she actually learns from me...) Despite our closeness, though, or perhaps because of it, some conversations are fraught with emotion and tension. I find myself dancing around the issue, sending little messages in what I believe to be supportive bottles, opening doors and windows to invite her in. In my lesser moments, I push too hard, frustrated by her resistance or my own need to push forward -- issue to conversation to plan to resolution -- and almost invariably find myse...
Thoughts on life, mothering, and mental wellness that occur to me in the early hours of the morning.